Ass.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Schmetkamp
Susanne Schmetkamp
© Eline Keller-Sørensen
I am Assistant Professor of Philosophy, author and presenter. As a philosopher I am working in aesthetics and ethics. My main fields of interest are aesthetic experience in all its varieties, perspectivity and perspective shifting, empathy, attention, and emotions. I am mother of five kids and live in Zurich.
Latest News
Talk: "Das philosophische Radio...über Aufmerksamkeit", WDR 5, 5.8.2024.
Talk: "Das philosophische Radio...über Empathie", Kulturgut Haus Nottbeck, Oelde, 28.10.2022
New Article: Day, Jason K., Schmetkamp, Susanne, 2022: “Psychedelic Expansion of Consciousness: A Phenomenological Study in Terms of Attention“, in InCircolo, 13, 111-135.
New Article: "Warum wir helfen" for Spiegel Online, 03.04.2022.
New Publication: Schmetkamp, Susanne, 2022: “Aesthetic Attention and Change of Perspectives” in: Wehrle, M / D’Angelo, D. / Solomonova, E. (eds.), Access and and Mediation – Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Attention | Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter.
Video of my talk at UZH: "Ästhetische Aufmerksamkeit und psychedelische Erfahrungen", 06.12.2021.